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Programa de mejora del transporte (TIP)

Cada organización de planificación metropolitana (MPO) debe preparar un Plan de transporte metropolitano (MTP), de acuerdo con 49 USC 5303 (i), para lograr los objetivos delineados por la MPO, el estado y los proveedores de transporte público con respecto al desarrollo de la red de transporte del área metropolitana. Este plan debe identificar cómo el área metropolitana administrará y operará un sistema de transporte multimodal (que incluye tránsito, carreteras, bicicletas, peatones y transporte accesible) para cumplir con los objetivos económicos, de transporte, de desarrollo y de sostenibilidad de la región, entre otros, para un Horizonte de planificación de más de 20 años, sin dejar de ser fiscalmente restringido.

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a program that aims to make it safer for students to walk and bike to school. The projects, from easy start-up programs to major infrastructure improvements, are all designed to encourage kids of all ages to walk or bike to school and develop a healthy lifestyle.


The program's goals include: 

  • Encouraging students to walk or bike to school 

  • Developing healthy lifestyles 

  • Removing barriers that prevent students from safely walking or biking to school 

SRTS programs use a combination of interventions to improve safety, including: 

  • Education and training: Teaching children and caregivers how to choose safe routes, safe behaviors, and how to use engineering treatments like sidewalks and crosswalks 

  • Infrastructure improvements: Funding projects like sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, signage, and striping 

  • Non-infrastructure elements: Funding projects like bike helmets, safety education, and law enforcement 


MetroPlan hosts various events and educational trainings that target school-aged kids and beyond! 

Coming Soon!

What we do:
  • Safe Routes to School
  • Walk & Roll to School Day and Bike & Roll to School Day
  • Quick build projects
  • Research and Evaluation
  • Tools and Training

As a member of our community, you have valuable experience and great ideas about the future of Transportation Safety – we want to hear them.

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