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Programa de mejora del transporte (TIP)

Cada organización de planificación metropolitana (MPO) debe preparar un Plan de transporte metropolitano (MTP), de acuerdo con 49 USC 5303 (i), para lograr los objetivos delineados por la MPO, el estado y los proveedores de transporte público con respecto al desarrollo de la red de transporte del área metropolitana. Este plan debe identificar cómo el área metropolitana administrará y operará un sistema de transporte multimodal (que incluye tránsito, carreteras, bicicletas, peatones y transporte accesible) para cumplir con los objetivos económicos, de transporte, de desarrollo y de sostenibilidad de la región, entre otros, para un Horizonte de planificación de más de 20 años, sin dejar de ser fiscalmente restringido.


MetroPlan is our region’s transportation planning agency. We’re made up of partners from across Northern Arizona who work alongside residents like you, to create a safe and convenient transportation system for our region. Through a combination of safer street design, evidence-based public policy, thoughtful public engagement, and participation from our community, we can ensure the streets of Flagstaff and neighboring communities are safe for everyone.  

Vulnerable Road Users Safety Plan

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MetroPlan recently kicked off the Vulnerable Road Users Safety Plan for the Flagstaff Region. This safety plan will build on the recently completed Regional Transportation Safety Plan, with a special focus on people outside of vehicles.

The VRU Safety Plan will identify crash trends, risk factors, high-crash locations, emphasis areas, establish regional performance measures, and potential projects, programs, and policies that will lead our region to zero fatalities and serious injuries.

MetroPlan supports the elimination of traffic fatalities and serious injuries and will adopt a “Vision Zero” policy as part of its Vulnerable Road Users Safety Action Plan.

MetroPlan will be out and about in the community working with individuals, community organizations, and jurisdictional partners this Summer to engage and collect feedback for the plan. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or sign up below to stay informed!

2023 Regional Transportation Safety Plan

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The most common manners of collision in all crashes were rear end (31%), single vehicle (23%), and angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) (16%).

MetroPlan supports the elimination of traffic fatalities and serious injuries and will adopt a “Vision Zero” policy as part of its Vulnerable Road Users Safety Action Plan that commences next spring.

The Regional Transportation Safety Plan (RTSP) establishes a framework for reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on public roads in the MetroPlan region by identifying crash trends, emphasis areas, performance measures, high-risk crash locations, funding resources, and potential projects.


A crash analysis was performed for the MetroPlan region based on the most recent five years of available crash data: January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2021. Over this period, 10,076 reported crashes occurred, with 57 fatalities and 2,360 injuries in the MetroPlan region.

  • Intersection crashes account for the highest number of fatal plus serious injury crashes at 44%

  • Lane departure crashes represent the second-highest number of fatal plus serious injury crashes at 42%

  • Nighttime crashes represent the third highest number of fatal plus serious injury crashes at 30%

  • Of the 139 pedestrian-involved crashes, 11% resulted in fatalities, while 19% were reported as suspected serious injuries

  • Of the 151 bicycle-involved crashes, 2% resulted in fatalities, while 16% were reported as suspected serious injuries

  • “Speed Too Fast For Conditions” and “Failed To Yield Right Of Way” are the top crash violations in the region


Safe streets are the foundation of a livable region.

When people step out their front door, they expect and deserve a safe way to get where they're going, whether it's walking or bicycling in the neighborhood, getting to transit, or driving down a highway.


In the last 5 years (2017-2021), the Flagstaff region had over 10,000 crashes that led to 3,450 serious injuries and 62 deaths. The Regional Transportation Safety Plan will provide a regionally-focused, data-driven framework for increasing traffic safety on roadways in the greater Flagstaff region. The Plan focuses on strategies and actions drawn from best practices proven to reduce traffic-related deaths and serious injuries. Our vision is zero. Share it.

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As a member of our community, you have valuable experience and great ideas about the future of Transportation Safety – we want to hear them.

We believe that roads and streets are for everyone. We all must travel and how we get there shouldn’t disproportionately expose us to traffic collisions that result in serious injuries or fatalities. Vulnerable Road Users are identified as people who walk, bicycle, scooter, or use mobility devices (such as wheelchairs) and are defined as vulnerable with regard to their degree of protection in traffic or their degree of mobility, such as the young, the elderly, and people with disabilities or special needs.


Safe Streets Save Lives – We can do this together: Our neighbors, friends, and family often use other modes of transportation for various reasons, and we must ensure safe travel for all!

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