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Planes y proyectos

Public Participation Plan

This document guides the public involvement activities conducted by the Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization (MetroPlan). The purpose of public participation is to ensure a proactive process affording the opportunity for the public to be involved in all phases of the multi-modal transportation planning process by providing complete information, timely public notice, sufficient periods for comment, full access to key decision points, and early and continuing engagement in developing transportation plans and programs..


MetroPlan is our region’s transportation planning agency. We’re made up of partners from Northern Arizona who work alongside residents to create the finest transportation system in the country. MetroPlan is a federally mandated and funded transportation policy-making and planning organization. 


MetroPlan is responsible for carrying out the transportation planning process with our planning partners as a local decision-making body. Many of these partners appoint staff and elected officials to sit on the various  MetroPlan committees that provide valuable feedback and direction on current and future transportation investments. 


MetroPlan delivers a variety of federal, state, and local programs, policies, and projects:

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Federally Required Regional Transportation Plans
Programa de mejora del transporte (TIP)

Cada organización de planificación metropolitana (MPO) debe preparar un Plan de transporte metropolitano (MTP), de acuerdo con 49 USC 5303 (i), para lograr los objetivos delineados por la MPO, el estado y los proveedores de transporte público con respecto al desarrollo de la red de transporte del área metropolitana. Este plan debe identificar cómo el área metropolitana administrará y operará un sistema de transporte multimodal (que incluye tránsito, carreteras, bicicletas, peatones y transporte accesible) para cumplir con los objetivos económicos, de transporte, de desarrollo y de sostenibilidad de la región, entre otros, para un Horizonte de planificación de más de 20 años, sin dejar de ser fiscalmente restringido.

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) 

In accordance with 49 United States Code (USC) 5303(i), each metropolitan planning organization (MPO) must prepare a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), such as Stride Forward, to accomplish the objectives outlined by MetroPlan, the state, and the public transportation providers with respect to the development of the metropolitan area's transportation network.

Title VI & Environmental Justice Plan

MetroPlan receives federal funding to conduct regional transportation planning and fund regional transportation improvements. As a result, MetroPlan is required to operate in a non-discriminatory manner per Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related Environmental Justice requirements. This updated Title VI Plan describes how MetroPlan will operate in compliance with these federal mandates.

Unified Planning Work Program 

The purpose of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is to outline multimodal transportation planning activities within a financially constrained budget to be conducted in the MetroPlan planning area for a one- or two-year period.  Federal definition of a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is “a statement of work identifying the planning priorities and activities to be carried out within a metropolitan planning area. At a minimum, a UPWP includes a description of the planning work and resulting products, who will perform the work, time frames for completing the work, the cost of the work, and the source(s) of funds” (23CFR450.104).


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